
Annual JJCA T-shirt is revealed!

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Aug 3, 2023 JJCA Office News

Each year, we hold a T-shirt design competition to commemorate our company’s Founder’s Day in April (32 years in 2023!!) The T-shirt is gifted to our team members and their “plus ones” as party favors to our Founder’s Day Bar-B-Que.  (Check out the July 10 blog - YUM and FUN!)

Everyone who wants to participate in the T-shirt competition presents their ideas that celebrate our firm’s culture and personality with clever design elements. 2023 didn’t disappoint! While we had a lot of cool ideas on the board, Kaela Boone’s design was voted by her peers as the fan favorite.

Our expertise takes us all over the country, so Kaela incorporated the state and national park sign theme into some of the exciting project locations we’ve been working on this year. Let’s go!

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