EducationEnsworth High School Natatorium

Nashville, Tennessee
New Construction
Size: 50,000 SF
Construction Cost: $18.8M

Ensworth High School's natatorium, a peer to some of the finest collegiate aquatic centers in the country, features a 50-meter competition pool with four one-meter diving springboards, a smaller teaching pool, two large unusually large state-of-the-art scoreboards, locker rooms, concessions, a main lobby, a student lobby, and a mezzanine area for spectator seating with over 300 seats. As a result of the site's location in a flood plain, the facility sits on concrete columns so that floodwater, should there ever be any, can flow underneath the main floor.

  • Team
  • Team 9
    Team 9David Johnson, AIA, NCARB, EDAC
  • Team 5
    Team 5Linda Mark, RA, CDT, CCCA
  • Team 10
    Team 10Michael Speck, AIA

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  • Sportsman's Grill
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  • project quotes and notes
  • As a quick summary of the technical complexities of building an elevated pool above the flood plain, this project was affectionately known during design as our "bathtub in a boat".